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proc buildDocs(files: openArray[string]; path: string;
              baseDir = getProjectPath() & "/"; defines: openArray[string] = @[];
              nimArgs = "") {...}{.raises: [OSError, ValueError], tags: [ReadIOEffect].}

Generate docs for all specified nim files to the specified path

baseDir is the project path by default and files and path are relative to that directory. Set to "" if using absolute paths.

defines is a list of -d:xxx define flags (the xxx part) that should be passed to nim doc so that getHeader() is invoked correctly.

nimArgs is a string representing extra arguments to send to the nim doc call.

Use the --publish flag with nimble to publish docs contained in path to Github in the gh-pages branch. This requires the ghp-import package for Python: pip install ghp-import

WARNING: --publish will destroy any existing content in this branch.

NOTE: buildDocs() only works correctly on Windows with Nim 1.0+ since is required.